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A sphere modified with a noise algorithm.


Apps Tundra, 4D Noise
References Simplex and Perlin Noise on surface
Perlin Noise
Simplex Noise
Perlin Noise The Coding Train
The Nature of Code: Introduction
The Book of Shaders


Noises are interesting in the development of procedural effects specially with a natural and organic appearance, such as clouds, water movement, landscapes and marble textures, for example.

Perlin Noise

Perlin Noise has revolutionized digital design by creating natural-looking textures and patterns. Unlike random noise, Perlin Noise produces smooth, coherent variations, making it ideal for simulating organic structures. This technique, developed by Ken Perlin in the early 1980s, was first used to generate realistic textures for the movie Tron.

You can find more information about this strategy in The Nature of Code and in “The Book of Shaders”.