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Pavilion O3 at Expo Revestir: the case study for the paper. Copyright by Gui Morelli.

High-Low as Expression of The Brazilian Digital Fabrication

Date 2018-11-01
Authors Daniel Nunes Locatelli, Arthur Hunold Lara, Thiago Henrique Omena, Adalberto de Paula
Place SIGRADI 2018 Technopolitics
Language Portuguese
Link High-low paper at SIGraDi 2017

This paper is the result of an investigation about the influence of digital processes in Design and its importance in innovation within ephemeral architecture through the concept of High-Low. The ephemeral architecture has the potential to combine academic and artistic knowledge to Brazilian commercial production. Here is presented one experimental case study designed to Expo Revestir for Docol in 2017 that balances the paradigm of computational design with the academic field and viable commercial applications.

Grasshopper script.
3D model after removing cells for opening.
Phases of construction in a exploded perspective.
Phases of construction in a exploded perspective: steel welding, panel fitting and fixing pieces.
Photo of the blacksmiths studying the small scale model.
Blacksmiths studying the small scale model.
Photo of the small scale model.
Small scale model.
Photo of the pavilion segmentation for transportation.
Segmentation of pavilion for transportation.
O3 Pavilion at Expo Revestir 2017.
O3 Pavilion at Expo Revestir 2017.
Photo of Daniel Locatelli presenting the paper at the SIGraDi 2018 conference.
Presentation of the paper at the SIGraDi 2018 conference.
Photo of the five presenters at the panel discussion.
SIGraDi 2018 panel discussion.