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Rendering of the Microverse installation in front of the FAU-USP.

Arquitetura + Biomimética + Algoritmo

Date 2016-12-01
Authors Daniel Locatelli, Arthur Hunold Lara
Place Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Universidade de São Paulo
Link Arquitetura + Biomimética + Algoritmo

In my final BArch thesis, I explored the possibilities of combining computational design with bobbin lace, a traditional weaving technique. This journey culminated in the creation of a hammock-like structure, intended as a temporary installation for the Architecture campus at the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP), Brazil. This innovative approach, which honored traditional craftsmanship while showcasing modern design tools, was later presented at the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) conference in 2017.

My thesis served as an introductory study on the application of computational design in architecture, with a focus on form-finding. By examining case studies of significant historical, technological, and artistic relevance, I reverse-engineered their design processes using Rhinoceros 3D software and its Grasshopper plug-in. Through this analysis, I discovered that biomimicry played a fundamental role in the projects I researched, guiding my study.
